Exposure and Response Prevention

What is ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention)?

ERP is an evidence-based treatment for OCD and other anxiety disorders This treatment entails exposing you to your fears (thoughts, images, and situations) in a manageable way so that you can learn to tolerate the distress of anxiety without engaging in compulsions or other rituals. The goal of ERP is to help clients learn to live with fear, doubt and uncertainty while living a more fulfilling life. OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is often cited as one of the most debilitating illnesses. Though there is no “cure” for OCD, the good news is that we have excellent treatment available to help you manage your symptoms!

I often hear that ERP sounds scary - and in some ways, it is. I am here to guide you through every step of the way and you will always have the control and decision-making power over what we do. What you will learn in this treatment is that when you don’t engage in compulsive behaviors, over time you may feel a decrease in your anxiety level. This natural drop in anxiety that happens when you stay “exposed” and “prevent” the compulsive “response” is called habituation.

What is OCD?

OCD includes experiencing unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that cause you distress and result in feeling compelled to perform a behavior (compulsion) to manage or cope with the anxiety. These compulsions or rituals often take up a lot of time and it is likely that compulsions will increase overtime without proper treatment.

Common compulsions in OCD include (but are not limited to):

  • Reassurance seeking

  • Confessing

  • Rumination

  • Avoidance of certain people, places, or things

  • Counting, tapping, repeating certain words or phrases

  • Excessive checking behaviors (locks, appliances, switches)

To learn more about OCD and ERP, please visit https://iocdf.org/

OCD Versus Generalized Anxiety Disorder

What will the course of ERP treatment look like?

All treatment begins with a comprehensive assessment, which lasts 1-2 sessions. During this time, we will get to know each other and identify your goals for treatment. After completing a thorough assessment, I will provide you with my suggested course of treatment, which may include ERP. If you choose to engage in ERP, we will work together to create a plan and will practice exposing you to feared situations in a safe environment. ERP treatment is a collaborative process where you as the client will always have the power to choose what you are willing to do! My job is to be your teacher, guide, coach, and cheerleader throughout the process of engaging in exposure and response prevention.

OCD is often referred to as the doubting disorder and it is a master at making us question our true desires and who we are at the core as individuals. In treatment, we will work together to identify your core values and goals. My job is to support you in moving towards a life that feels fulfilling, worth living, and most importantly, NOT driven by anxiety.

During the course of treatment, we may invite important people into your life to join us for an occasional session (with your consent, of course). I often invite my clients to bring their partner(s), parent(s), or other close contacts to session for the purpose of educating the loved one on how they can best support you, the client.

As you progress in treatment, we will work together to determine the most appropriate frequency and duration of our sessions together. ERP is a very active treatment and you will be asked to practice the skills that we work on in session outside of treatment. Because ERP is such an effective form of treatment, you may see a reduction in symptoms after just a handful of exposure sessions!

Will ERP Make Me Learn to Like My Obsessions?